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Cartographic materials for environmental monitoring.

Area surveyed: “SIBUR-Neftekchim” plant, Kstovo city, Nizhniy Novgorod Oblast

Volume of works: 1 100 hectares

Customer: Administration of Kstovskiy municipal area, Nizhniy Novgorod Oblast


  • laser scanning system ALTM 3100 (Optech Inc.)
  • large format digital aerial camera Vexcel UltraCamD (Microsoft Vexcel)
  • Medium format digital aerial camera Rollei (Rollei GmbH)

Output products:

  • 1:2000 digital topographic map with two-meter contour intervals

Application area:

Based on the data provided by Geokosmos, environmental hotspots maps showing poor air quality areas as well as demonstrating different noise levels were created to evaluate the environment impact of a polyvinyl chloride production plant.